Chapter 1, Introduction to Koa, introduces Koa and talks about its benefits for server-side web development. We will talk about the reasons why developers may choose to use Koa for software development. We will also introduce the remainder of the book and talk about how the book will help its readers to navigate the complex waters of Koa.
Chapter 2, Getting Started with Koa, explains how to get started with server-side development with Koa. We will learn how to install Koa, create a simple server, and build the obligatory Hello World app.
Chapter 3, Koa Core Concepts, discusses the application, context, and request and response objects in Koa. We will also learn about how to create and use middleware. We will go into detail about Koa's philosophy and show readers how the different parts of the framework work.
Chapter 4, Handling Errors in Koa, goes into error handling in Koa. We will look at the different methods of handling errors in Koa. The aim will be to make sure users have a solid foundation and know how to build Koa applications that don't break at slight exceptions.
Chapter 5, Building an API in Koa, dives into building a real-life application in Koa. We will show readers how to create routes, handle requests, and send responses from their APIs.
Chapter 6, Building an Application in Koa, reinforces what we will have learned by building a fully fledged web application in Koa. We will learn how to build a real-life application with authentication and structure it properly in Koa. We will also share some information on further reading to improve on the reader's knowledge of Koa.