Using Set Analysis with a Date Island
It is not uncommon to create a "Date Island"—a disconnected calendar table—in the data. Users make selections on the island values and then these values are used in the Set syntax to limit the results.
Getting ready
Load the following script:
// Load Transactions Transactions: LOAD * INLINE [ TransDate, TransType, TransValue 2012-01-12, Sale, 100 2012-02-01, Sale, 100 2012-03-05, Sale, 100 2012-03-31, Payment, 200 2012-04-29, Sale, 150 2012-05-19, Sale, 175 2012-06-02, Sale, 200 2012-06-30, Payment, 400 2012-07-03, Sale, 200 2012-08-13, Sale, 100 2012-09-22, Sale, 200 2012-09-30, Payment, 400 2012-10-10, Sale, 175 2012-11-14, Sale, 225 2012-12-02, Sale, 325 2012-12-31, Payment, 400 ]; // Load the Date Island Let vStartDate=Floor(MakeDate(2012)); Let vEndDate=Floor(MakeDate(2012,12,31)); Let vDiff=vEndDate-vStartDate+1; DateIsland: Load TempDate as DateID, Year(TempDate) As Year, Month(TempDate) As Month; Load $(vStartDate...