In this attack, the victim will remain connected to the gateway but will not be able to communicate with the outer network. Put simply, the victim will remain connected to the router but will not be able to browse the internet. The principle of this attack is the same as ARP cache poisoning. The attack will send the ARP reply packet to the victim and that packet will change the MAC address of the gateway in the ARP cache of the victim with another MAC. The same thing is done in the gateway.
The code is the same as that of ARP spoofing, except for some changes, which are explained as follows:
import socket import struct import binascii s = socket.socket(socket.PF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.ntohs(0x0800)) s.bind(("eth0",socket.htons(0x0800))) sor = 'x48x41x43x4bx45x52' victmac ='x00x0Cx29x2Ex84x7A' gatemac...