This was a long journey through the lands of Django, and even if we don't have all the features of the webapp2 version of Notes, at this point, we do have a solid starting point to add all the missing pieces. We already know how to deal with the Cloud Platform services, and we can complete the porting as an exercise to get better at Django programming and become even more confident with all the technologies behind App Engine.
In this chapter, we learned how to start a Django project, the basic concepts behind the framework, and how to integrate it smoothly inside an App Engine application. Using Django version 1.7, we also had the opportunity of dealing with the brand new migration system and getting the most out of the Cloud SQL database service. At this point, we know how to deal with forms, a simple example showing how easy life can be with the help of a framework like Django that saves us a lot of repetitive work. Another important step we took towards the perfect blend...