Exploring the essentials
Storage tables are not inherently relational. While you can index, it isn’t simple, and it isn’t particularly powerful. The reason behind all this is to keep storage tables simple. This makes them ideal for keeping lists, logging, creating progress entries, and so forth.
We will create a storage table that tracks exceptions thrown during the execution of our program. The table we create will look like this on Azure:

Figure 8.3 – The left portion of a storage table
Due to space concerns, I’m not showing the entire table here. There are columns for the exception type, the time of the exception, the message, and so forth.
To keep things as simple as possible, and to focus 100% on Table Storage, we’ll create a console application that simply throws exceptions and stores them in the table. To get started, follow these steps:
- Create a new project and select Console App, as shown in Figure...