Basic components of a conformal predictor
We will now look at the basic components of a conformal predictor:
- Nonconformity measure: The nonconformity measure is a function that evaluates how much a new data point differs from the existing data points. It compares the new observation to either the entire dataset (in the full transductive version of conformal prediction) or the calibration set (in the most popular variant – ICP. The selection of the nonconformity measure is based on a particular machine learning task, such as classification, regression, or time series forecasting, as well as the underlying model. This chapter will examine several nonconformity measures suitable for classification and regression tasks.
- Calibration set: The calibration set is a portion of the dataset used to calculate nonconformity scores for the known data points. These scores are a reference for establishing prediction intervals or regions for new test data points. The calibration...