Understanding contexts
A role (remember, a collection of capabilities with corresponding permissions) can be assigned within different contexts. So, what are contexts?
Important note
Contexts are the areas in Moodle where roles can be assigned to users.
A user has a role in any given context.
A context can be a course, a category, an activity, a user, a block, or Moodle itself. Moodle comes with seven contexts, each with a given scope:
- System: Moodle itself – that is, the entire system, also known as the core or global context
- Course category: A category and its sub-categories
- Course: A single course
- Activity module: A course activity or resource
- Block: A sidebar block
- User: A user account
- Site (Front page): The home page and files that can be accessed outside courses (often referred to as the front page context)
Important note
Each context has a scope. A scope is a ring-fenced area or boundary in which specific actions can...