Time for action – restore a course
Clicking on Restore under Course administration in the Settings block takes you to the Import a backup file page.
Import your backup file if you need to. The procedure for uploading this file is exactly the same as uploading a resource:
Once your file is uploaded press the Restore button.
You are taken to the first page of the Restore wizard ("Confirm"). The contents of the backup file are displayed. If you are happy then scroll down to the bottom of the page and press the Continue button.
The next page allows you to specify the destination. Importantly, you are also asked if you want to:
Merge the contents of the backup into the course
Delete the contents of a course and replace it with the contents of the backup
and, if you have course creator privileges:
Create a brand new course
You will need to make sure the correct option is chosen. Then scroll down to the bottom of the page and press the appropriate Continue button:
Confirm the settings and press the Next...