Time for action – uploading a file
Choose the file you want to upload and make a note of where it is currently stored.
Return to your site front page and select My profile | My private files from the Navigation block:
You are now in your My private files area. Remember: this area is only accessible by you but you can provide links to files uploaded to here from any course you teach on. Click on the Manage my private files button:
A new page is displayed that allows us to manage the files in our My private files area. Note the maximum file size of the file you can upload is displayed on this screen (there's more on maximum file sizes later in this chapter). Click on the Add button to open the File picker dialog:
Make sure you click on the Upload a file on the left of the File picker.
Pressing the Browse button (or Choose File, depending on your browser) allows us to select the file we chose in step 1. Click on the Browse button to open the Choose File to Upload dialog. Select the file you want...