Example Person
For our Example Person entity, we need to create a table that contains the elements of our Pattern. We will call our table called Example Person, and save it with an ID of 50010
Leaving a small gap in the field and table IDs in our module gives us the option of later adding other tables in between, if this makes sense from a perspective of grouping similar objects together.

The field numbering in Master Data follows a specific Pattern, which is explained later in this chapter.
The Master Data Pattern also tells us to add the number of Pages. We need two: a non-editable list page, and a card page that allows entering new records, maintaining values, and removing records.

We will use the 50010
and 50011
IDs for the pages. The pages are linked using the CardPage ID, allowing the user to open the card by double-clicking on a record from the list.
When creating Page objects, there are some naming conventions to be followed. We will discuss them in the next...