DataItem properties
The following screenshot shows the properties of DataItem:

The following are descriptions of frequently used DataItems properties:
- Indentation: This shows the position of the referenced DataItem in the hierarchical structure of the report. A value of 0 (zero) indicates that this DataItem is at the top of the hierarchy. Any other value indicates that the subject DataItem is subordinate to (that is nested within) the preceding DataItem.
- DataItemTable: This is the name of the NAV table assigned to this DataItem.
- DataItemTableView: This is the definition of the fixed limits to be applied to the DataItem (the key, ascending or descending sequence, and that filters that can be applied to this field).
If we don't define a key, then the users can choose a key to control the data sequence to be used during processing. If we do define a key in the DataItem properties and in the ReqFiltgerFields property, we do not specify any Filter Field names to be displayed;...