Page properties
We will now look at the properties of the Radio Show List page we created earlier. The list of available page properties is the same for all page types. The values of these properties vary considerably from one page to another, even more from one page type to another. The following screenshot shows the Page - Properties screen of our Radio Show List page (Page 50000). This screen is accessed by opening Page 50000 in the Page Designer, highlighting the first empty line in the Controls list, and Clicking on the Properties icon (or Shift + F4 or View | Properties).

We can see that many of these properties are still in their default condition (they are not highlighted in bold). Following are the properties with which we are most likely to be concerned:
- ID: This is the unique object number of the page.
- Name: This is the unique name by which this page is referenced in C/AL code.
- Caption and CaptionML: This refers to the page name to be displayed, depending on the language...