Learning about CQRS
In this section, we’re going to talk about CQRS, which is an awesome software architecture pattern! CQRS is based on separating the responsibilities of the commands and queries in a system. This means we slice our application logic vertically.
By dividing commands and queries, our system becomes greatly efficient. Commands focus on data changes without worrying about queries. Queries focus only on reading data without impacting commands. Each part of the system optimizes itself, for its single purpose. It’s like dividing and conquering to make everything faster!
In this section, we will discuss the context of CQRS with its cons and pros. Later on, we will see a real-world scenario and how CQRS help to solve real problems.
What is the context of CQRS?
You may be thinking, “Why should I care about CQRS?” The simple answer is efficiency and simplicity. We can easily optimize each part separately when we split the app into command...