There may be times when a customer will return merchandise, or you will need to refund a customer due to an issue with the services you have provided. When that happens, you can create a credit memo in QuickBooks that can be applied to a future invoice, or you can refund the customer their money instead.
Follow these steps to create a credit memo in QuickBooks Online:
- Click on the + New menu and select Credit memo below CUSTOMERS, as indicated in the following screenshot:
2. Complete the key fields indicated here for the credit memo:
The following are brief descriptions of the key fields to complete for a credit memo:
- Client: From the drop-down menu, select the customer you need to refund.
- Email: This field will automatically populate with the email address you have on file. If you don't have an email address on file, you can enter the email address in this field if you would like to email the credit memo to the customer...