Vectorising your imagery
Hopefully, this far into the chapter, you understand the obvious benefits that both raster and vector imagery bring. But what if you could combine the best of both worlds and have realistic-looking imagery, such as photographs, at a very small file size and with the ability to zoom into them as far as you like with no pixilation at all? Well guess what, you can!
In the rest of this chapter, you'll learn how to become a true master and create imagery that has amazing style as well as being perfect for use in Prezi. You don't need to buy any expensive software to do this or have a degree in graphic design.
In the following sections, two separate methods are explained for turning raster images into vector so that they look great and load quickly in Prezi. The only difference between these methods is that one is completely free and the other has a small price attached.
Using software to vectorize
In the steps that follow, you'll learn how to turn a raster image into a stunning...