In this chapter, we explored the basic concept of networking and the network model in native Kubernetes and how EKS differs. We described how EKS comes configured with the AWS VPC CNI, which integrates with the AWS VPC to assign ENIs and IP addresses to Pods from the VPC.
We also learned that Pods in EKS are native VPC citizens and traffic can use VPC network devices such as Internet Gateway, Transit Gateway, and NAT Gateway, and can be controlled using VPC network controls such as SGs and/or NACLs. However, this can come with some challenges such as VPC IP exhaustion. We discussed a few ways to handle IP exhaustion, including non-routable subnets, prefix addressing, and IPv6.
Finally, we talked about performing common tasks such as managing and upgrading the CNI, disabling CNI source NAT so you can use external NAT devices such as the AWS NATGW, and configuring custom networking so Pods can use other SGs or subnets to the main worker node to help with security or IP...