Backbone is an amazing library to build web applications; it's small, simple, and yet powerful. It provides a set of small and focused objects to be used as bricks when building frontend applications.
The beauty of Backbone is that it gives you the freedom to build your applications with your rules. However, with great power comes great responsibility; Backbone does not tell you anything about how to structure your applications. Keep in mind that Backbone is not a framework but a library.
After years of working with Backbone projects, making code experiments, and exploring code from other developers, I have identified patterns and best practices when building frontend web apps with Backbone.
This book explains how to give structure to your applications. It gives you the tools and strategies to create robust and maintainable web apps. It will help you define and assign the right responsibilities to the Backbone objects and define a new set of glue objects.
In the book, you will build a functional application applying the concepts that are exposed here. The application is simple enough to put in to practice the core concepts when building scalable frontend applications with Backbone. At any time, you can see the project code in the book repository at