Creating a virtual repository
A virtual repository acts as a bridge between different types of repositories. Nexus supports bridging between Maven1 and Maven2. With a virtual directory, you can expose a Maven1 repository as a Maven2 repository. To create a virtual repository, first you need to have a hosted or proxy repository. Then you create a virtual repository on top of it:
Go to
and log in asadmin
.Navigate to Views/Repositories | Repositories | Add | Virtual Repository. To expose a Maven2 repository as a Maven1 repository, you need to select Maven2 to Maven1 in the Provider field. Once you select Maven2 to Maven1 in the Provider field, the value of Format will be automatically set to maven1, and all the Maven2 hosted and proxy repositories will be listed under the Source Nexus Repository ID field, as shown in the following screenshot:
Once you click on the Save button, the virtual repository will be listed under Repository list and will be available at