Makeover example one
In this example, we are just going to use Elements' basic brightness and contrast tools to make this underexposed image appear more appealing.
Problem: There are dark, gloomy tones and poor color reproduction.
Solution: The best tools to fix this issue are Instant Fix in Organizer or Effects in Quick Edit mode.
Outcome: I want to make this as light and as colorful as it was when I took the snap:

It's often a bit disappointing when you open an image for the first time in any application and discover that the snap you thought was "pretty good" looks dull and murky (an entire row of them in this screenshot).
Though this is frustrating, it's certainly normal. What we see on the camera's LCD screen is rarely what we see on a computer monitor, more's the pity. Why? This is partly because we are not necessarily paying a lot of attention to the screen when we're in the field, plus looking at an LCD in bright light is hard at the best of...