So far, you have created Graded and Survey questions. But the Insert Questions dialog allows a third type of question slide. Pretest questions are exactly the same as the Survey or Graded questions. What makes them special is the following:
- First, the Pretest questions are not part of the Quiz. Their result is not considered when generating the Quiz Results slide.
- Second, the Pretest questions are not part of the interaction report that is sent to your LMS (there is more on reporting to an LMS in the Reporting scores to an LMS section later in this chapter).
The idea of a pretest is to assess the student's knowledge prior to taking the course. The decision to take the course module or to skip it can be made based on the outcome of the pretest. However, in practice, we usually use the LMS to do this. For example, you can develop a dedicated course module (a regular Captivate Quiz for instance) as a pretest and use the branching capabilities of your LMS to...