Hierarchical naming structures
In Chapter 1, Active Directory Fundamentals, we looked into domain trees and explored how they can be used to organize the domain structure in the hierarchical method. DNS allows us to translate this logical structure into the domain namespace. Similar to a tree, it starts from the root and is spread into different layers, such as branches and leaves. In the domain tree, the root is represented by a dot (.
). A typical tree branch contains many leaves. In the domain tree, a branch represents a collection of named resources, and a leaf in a branch represents a single named entry. In a tree, branches and leaves depend on each other. Branches and leaves are part of one system until everything is attached together. When we describe a leaf or a branch, we explain it with the relationship to the tree. For example, if I need to show someone a leaf of an apple tree, I will call it an apple leaf. Then, the person knows it's a part of an apple tree.