Building the ECIS International Teacher portfolio
In this recipe, we will build a set of pages that could be used to meet Standard 1 of the ECIS International Teacher Certification Standards. We will follow the ITC Syllabus for 2010. Though we will focus on Standard 1, we can use similar formats for all of the standards and then put these together into a collection of standards.
The ITC requires three specific things for each standard: the Core Evidence, a Professional Log responding to each of the prompts, and a Reflective Report. In addition, you will need to keep a Reflective Journal. We'll look at a way of presenting all these artifacts together using Mahara. The method presented here is just one of the ways to do it.
Getting ready
For each standard, there is a practical activity, and so it is for Standard 1 as well. You will need to collect the required items for the Core Evidence, so let's take a look at what the Core Evidence requirements are for Standard 1. A visual record and outline...