Chapter 1. Gearing Up: A Preflight Checklist
When creating electronic music, it's a good idea to take some extra time to choose your gear carefully for the task at hand. You should also be mindful of the environment you are working in. A studio can theoretically be just about anywhere these days, from a hotel room to a well-tuned control room. It's important to choose the right tools for the right circumstances.
Here is what we're going to explore in this chapter:
- Check our system requirements
- Show how to install LMMS on various operating systems
- Get familiar with the location of LMMS resources
- Control our project assets
- Configuring MIDI devices for use with LMMS
- Configuring audio devices for use with LMMS
- Setting up your sample library—how not to get sued
- The art of listening: how to help a room sound better
- Ergonomics: make music! Continue to have feeling in your hands!