- -after_add option / :before_add, :after_add, :before_remove, and :after_remove
- -after_remove option / :before_add, :after_add, :before_remove, and :after_remove
- -all / Query selectors
- -allow_destroy object / Nested attributes
- -as option / Relation-specific options
- about / :as
- -autobuild
- about / :autobuild
- -autobuild option / Relation-specific options
- -autosave option / Relation-specific options
- about / :autosave
- accepts_neste_attributes_for
- URL / Nested attributes
- ActiveModel scopes
- about / Scopes
- ActiveModel validations / Validations
- Acts as state machine (aasm)
- about / Acts as state machine (aasm)
- carrierwave / carrierwave
- mongoid-audit / mongoid-audit
- devise / devise
- aggregation framework
- about / The aggregation framework
- and MapReduce / MapReduce and the aggregation framework
- using / Using the aggregation framework
- and MapReduce, selecting between / Choosing between MapReduce and the aggregation framework
- arrays
- about / Arrays and hashes
- queries / Queries on arrays and hashes
- Atomic attribute updates
- about / Atomic attribute updates
- atomic modifiers
- about / Atomic modifiers
- find_and_modify / find_and_modify
- attributes
- mass assignment / Mass assignment and security
- updating / Updating documents and attributes
- attr_accessible or attr_protected / Mass assignment and security
- -before_add option / :before_add, :after_add, :before_remove, and :after_remove
- -before_remove option / :before_add, :after_add, :before_remove, and :after_remove
- BasicCursor function / Querying with indexed fields
- belongs_to relation
- about / The belongs_to relation
- $index option / :index
- $polymorphic option / :polymorphic
- $touch option / :touch
- $counter_cache option / :counter_cache
- BigDecimal data type / Origins of Origin
- Binary JSON (BSON)
- about / Binary JSON (BSON)
- Binary Tree / Querying with indexed fields
- BSON format / The Mongoid document
- BTreeCursor / Querying with indexed fields
- -cascaded_callbacks option / Relation-specific options
- -cascade_callbacks option / :cascade_callbacks
- -class_name option / Common options for all relations
- about / :class_name
- -counter_cache option / Relation-specific options, :counter_cache
- -cyclic option / Relation-specific options, :cyclic
- callbacks
- about / Callbacks
- URL / Callbacks
- carrierwave / carrierwave
- Category object / :inverse_of
- compound index / Compound index
- covered queries
- about / Covered queries
- -delete value / :dependent
- -dependent option / Relation-specific options
- about / :dependent
- $delete value / :dependent
- $destroy value / :dependent
- $nullify value / :dependent
- $restrict value / :dependent
- -destroy value / :dependent
- date attributes
- about / Date and time attributes
- delayed sync / Memory maps, delayed sync, and journals
- deserialize method / Serialization with Mongoize
- devise / devise
- distanceMultiplier operator / Geolocation queries
- dynamic attributes
- about / Dynamic attributes, Dynamic attributes
- -each / Mongoid criteria
- -elem_match / Query selectors
- -exists / Query selectors
- -exists? / Mongoid criteria
- -extend option / Common options for all relations
- eager loading / n+1 query problem and eager loading
- embedded documents
- about / Embedded documents
- embedded_in method
- about / embedded_in – resolving children
- embedded_in relation / Embedded documents, Embedded polymorphic relations
- embeds_many method
- about / embeds_many – embedding many documents
- $cascade_callbacks option / :cascade_callbacks
- $store_as option / :store_as
- $cyclic option / :cyclic
- embeds_one method
- about / embeds_one – embed one document
- evolve method / Serialization with Mongoize
- -find / Mongoid criteria
- -find_and_modify / find_and_modify
- -find_by / Mongoid criteria
- -find_or_create_by / Mongoid criteria
- -find_or_initialize_by / Mongoid criteria
- -first / Mongoid criteria
- -first_or_create / Mongoid criteria
- -first_or_create! / Mongoid criteria
- -first_or_initialize / Mongoid criteria
- -following relation / :inverse_of
- -foreign_key option / Relation-specific options
- about / :foreign_key
- field aliases
- about / Field aliases
- findAndModify method / The MongoDB findAndModify method
- find_and_modify
- about / find_and_modify
- find_and_modify action / Updating documents and attributes
- finite-state machine (FSM)
- about / Acts as state machine (aasm)
- follower_ids object / :inverse_of
- $geoNear / Geolocation queries, Choosing between MapReduce and the aggregation framework
- $group / Choosing between MapReduce and the aggregation framework
- %gt/%gte/%lt/%lte / Query selectors
- Gemfile / Setting up Sodibee
- Geolocation
- about / Geolocation queries
- geo_near method / Geolocation queries
- hashed index / Hashed index
- hashes
- about / Arrays and hashes
- queries / Queries on arrays and hashes
- has_and_belongs_to_many relation
- about / has_and_belongs_to_many – the many-to-many relation
- $inverse_of option / :inverse_of
- has_many method
- about / has_many – the many-to-one relation
- $order option / :order
- Topicnorder option / :order
- $after_remove option / :before_add, :after_add, :before_remove, and :after_remove
- $before_add option / :before_add, :after_add, :before_remove, and :after_remove
- $before_remove option / :before_add, :after_add, :before_remove, and :after_remove
- $after_add option / :before_add, :after_add, :before_remove, and :after_remove
- has_one method
- about / has_one – the one-to-one relation
- $as option / :as
- $autosave option / :autosave
- $autobuild option / :autobuild
- $dependent option / :dependent
- $primary_key option / :primary_key
- $foreign_key option / :foreign_key
- $validate option / :validate
- -in / Query selectors
- -index option / Relation-specific options, :index
- -inverse_class_name option / Common options for all relations
- -inverse_of option / Common options for all relations, :inverse_of
- about / :inverse_of
- IdentityMap
- about / IdentityMap
- n+1 query problem / n+1 query problem and eager loading
- eager loading / n+1 query problem and eager loading
- inc method / Atomic attribute updates
- indexed fields
- querying with / Querying with indexed fields
- indexes
- about / Indexes
- creation, options / Indexes
- write concern / Write concern
- writie concern / Write concern
- compound index / Compound index
- multikey index / Multikey index
- hashed index / Hashed index
- text indexes / Text index
- inverse_of method / :inverse_of
- inverse_of option / :inverse_of, :cyclic
- journals / Memory maps, delayed sync, and journals
- $limit / Choosing between MapReduce and the aggregation framework
- -last / Mongoid criteria
- -limit object / Nested attributes
- localization
- about / Localization
- lock versioning / Applications and lock versioning
- $match / The aggregation framework, Choosing between MapReduce and the aggregation framework
- MapReduce
- and aggregation framework / MapReduce and the aggregation framework
- and aggregation framework, selecting between / Choosing between MapReduce and the aggregation framework
- mass assignment
- of attributes / Mass assignment and security
- attr_protected / Mass assignment and security
- attr_accessible / Mass assignment and security
- strong_parameters / Mass assignment and security
- resolving / Mass assignment and security
- memory maps
- about / Memory maps, delayed sync, and journals
- models
- creating / Creating models
- testing / Testing the models
- modules, Mongoid
- timestamping / Timestamping
- versioning / Versioning
- Paranoia / Paranoia
- Acts as state machine (aasm) / Acts as state machine (aasm)
- MongoDB
- findAndModify method / The MongoDB findAndModify method
- aggregation framework / The aggregation framework
- profiling / Profiling MongoDB
- MongoDB environment
- about / MongoDB environment
- MongoDB version
- about / MongoDB version
- Mongoid
- and MongoMapper / Mongoid and MongoMapper
- Symbol class, overloading / Overloading the Symbol class
- ActiveModel scopes / Scopes
- Mongoid$$Criteria / Serialization with Mongoize
- Mongoid$$Criteria module / Mongoid criteria
- Mongoid$$Errors$$MixedRelations error / Embedded documents
- Mongoid$$Extensions / Serialization with Mongoize
- mongoid-audit / mongoid-audit
- Mongoid 2.x
- about / Notice about Mongoid 2.x
- Mongoid criteria
- about / Mongoid criteria
- Mongoid document
- about / The Mongoid document
- attributes / Basic attributes
- arrays / Arrays and hashes
- hashes / Arrays and hashes
- date and time attributes / Date and time attributes
- serializing with / Serialization with Mongoize
- Field aliases / Field aliases
- embedded / Embedded documents
- processing / MongoDB persistence strategy
- creating / Creating documents
- updating / Updating documents and attributes
- database locks / Database locks and transactions
- transactions / Database locks and transactions
- lock versioning / Applications and lock versioning
- MongoMapper
- and Mongoid / Mongoid and MongoMapper
- about / Embedded documents
- Moped
- about / Introducing Moped
- multikey index / Multikey index
- -name option / Common options for all relations
- -near / Query selectors
- -near_sphere / Query selectors
- -nin / Query selectors
- -nullify value / :dependent
- nested attributes
- about / Nested attributes
- nreturned expression / Monitoring query performance
- nsanned expression / Monitoring query performance
- nscanned parameter / Profiling MongoDB
- ntoreturn expression / Monitoring query performance
- numYields expression / Monitoring query performance
- -order option / Relation-specific options
- origin
- about / Origins of Origin
- Origin
- about / Introducing Origin
- $project / The aggregation framework, Choosing between MapReduce and the aggregation framework
- -polymorphic option / Relation-specific options, :polymorphic
- -primary_key option / Relation-specific options
- about / :primary_key
- params hash / Mass assignment and security
- Paranoia module
- about / Paranoia
- pluck object / Mongoid criteria
- Polymorphic relations
- about / Polymorphic relations
- embedded / Embedded polymorphic relations
- query expression / Monitoring query performance
- query performance
- monitoring / Monitoring query performance
- statistical data, finding / Statistical data
- Hint and currentOp / Hint and currentOp
- query selectors
- about / Query selectors
- Topicnall / Query selectors
- Topicnexists / Query selectors
- %gt/%gte/%lt/%lte / Query selectors
- Topicnin / Query selectors
- Topicnnin / Query selectors
- Topicnelem_match / Query selectors
- Topicnnear / Query selectors
- Topicnnear_sphere / Query selectors
- Topicnwithin_box / Query selectors
- Topicnwithin_circle / Query selectors
- Topicnwithin_spherical_circle / Query selectors
- Topicnwithin_polygon / Query selectors
- { $query
- { ... } expression / Monitoring query performance
- -reject_if object / Nested attributes
- -relation option / Common options for all relations
- -restrict value / :dependent
- reduce function / MapReduce and the aggregation framework
- Relation-specific options
- $as option / Relation-specific options
- $autosave option / Relation-specific options
- $autobuild option / Relation-specific options
- $primary_key option / Relation-specific options
- $touch option / Relation-specific options
- $dependent option / Relation-specific options
- $foreign_key option / Relation-specific options
- $order option / Relation-specific options
- $counter_cache option / Relation-specific options
- $index option / Relation-specific options
- $validate option / Relation-specific options
- $polymorphic option / Relation-specific options
- $cyclic option / Relation-specific options
- $cascaded_callbacks option / Relation-specific options
- $store_as option / Relation-specific options
- $versioned option / Relation-specific options
- relations
- name / Configuring relationships
- options / Configuring relationships, Common options for all relations
- block / Configuring relationships
- $class_name option / Common options for all relations, :class_name
- $inverse_of option / Common options for all relations, :inverse_of
- $extend option / Common options for all relations
- $inverse_class_name option / Common options for all relations
- $name option / Common options for all relations
- $relation option / Common options for all relations
- reslen expression / Monitoring query performance
- resource_id field / :as
- resource_type field / :as
- Ruby version
- about / Ruby version
- $skip / Choosing between MapReduce and the aggregation framework
- $sort / The aggregation framework, Choosing between MapReduce and the aggregation framework
- $sum / The aggregation framework
- -store_as option / Relation-specific options, :store_as
- save! function / Updating documents and attributes
- serialization
- about / Serialization with Mongoize
- serialize method / Serialization with Mongoize
- Sodibee
- about / A practical approach using the Sodibee library system
- functions / A practical approach using the Sodibee library system
- prerequisites / Checking prerequisites
- setting up / Setting up Sodibee
- Sodibee, prerequisites
- Ruby version / Ruby version
- MongoDB version / MongoDB version
- Sodibee, setting up
- models, creating / Creating models
- models, testing / Testing the models
- sodibee_development.authors expression / Monitoring query performance
- strong_parameters / Mass assignment and security
- Symbol class
- overloading / Overloading the Symbol class
- -touch option / Relation-specific options, :touch
- text index
- about / Text index
- time attributes
- about / Date and time attributes
- timestamping
- about / Timestamping
- $unwind / The aggregation framework, Choosing between MapReduce and the aggregation framework
- upsert action / Updating documents and attributes
- -validate option / Relation-specific options
- about / :validate
- -versioned option / Relation-specific options
- validates_associated method / :validate
- validation
- URL / Validations
- validations
- about / Validations
- Vehicle model
- designing / Polymorphic relations
- versioning
- about / Versioning
- -within_box / Query selectors
- -within_circle / Query selectors
- -within_polygon / Query selectors
- -within_spherical_circle / Query selectors