Chapter 1, Getting Started with Angular, introduces Angular and provides step-by-step instructions for building a Hello World app with Angular. It also explains the architecture of Angular.
Chapter 2 , Angular Building Blocks Part 1, gives you a detailed walkthrough of the core building blocks of the Angular architecture, such as modules, components, decorators, metadata, templates, bindings, directives, and dependency injection.
Chapter 3, Angular Building Blocks Part 2, explains the functionalities of the remaining building blocks of the Angular architecture, such as forms, pipes, routers, services, and observables.
Chapter 4, Using TypeScript with Angular, discusses the fundamentals of TypeScript and the benefits of using TypeScript to write Angular applications.
Chapter 5, Creating an Angular Single-Page Application in Visual Studio, guides you through the process of creating an Angular single-page application using Visual Studio and using NPM and Gulp.
Chapter 6, Creating ASP.NET Core Web API Services for Angular, showcases RESTful web services and the ASP.NET Web API. Also, it takes you through the process of integrating the ASP.NET Web API with an Angular application.
Chapter 7, Creating an Application Using Angular, ASP.NET MVC, and Web API in Visual Studio, practically explains how to use ASP.NET MVC as a backbone of Angular application and how to combine the routings of Angular, ASP.NET MVC, and Web API.
Chapter 8, Testing Angular Applications, dives into the process of testing Angular components and services using the Jasmine framework.
Chapter 9, What's New in Angular and ASP.NET Core, outlines the new features of Angular. It also introduces ASP.NET Core and discusses cross-platform development with the .NET Execution Environment.