Technical requirements
To complete the hands-on experiments in this chapter, you will require the following:
- The Raspberry Pi robot and the code from the previous chapters.
- Two HC-SR04P, RCWL-1601, or Adafruit 4007 ultrasonic sensors. They must have a 3.3 V output.
- A breadboard.
- 22 AWG single-core wire or a pre-cut breadboard jumper wire kit.
- A breadboard-friendly single pole, double toggle (SPDT) slide switch.
- Male-to-female jumpers, preferably of the joined-up jumper jerky type.
- Two brackets for the sensor.
- A crosshead screwdriver.
- Miniature spanners or small pliers.
The code for this chapter is available on GitHub at
Check out the following video to see the Code in Action: