To insert a document, you can use either the db.collection.insertOne() or the db.collection.insertMany() command. The syntax is quite simple: you specify the name of the collection into which you plan to insert a document, followed by the document to be inserted, using JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) syntax, as illustrated in the following diagram:
In this example, you will create a new learn database and a collection called chapters, as follows:
use learn;
"chapterNumber" : 3,
"chapterName" : "Essential MongoDB Administration Techniques"
Here is the output:
If the featureCompatibilityVersion parameter is set to 4.2 or less (for example, you're running MongoDB 4.2 or below), the maximum size of the combined database name plus the collection name cannot exceed 120 bytes. If, however, it is set to 4.4 or greater (for example, you're running MongoDB 4.4 or above), the maximum...