Most code libraries now use GitHub to host a repository for their source code. Searching GitHub for statistics on various popular Python web frameworks reveals the statistics (at the time of writing) summarized in the following table:
Framework | Used | Watch | Star | Fork | Contributors | Last Commit |
django | 406,000 | 2,200 | 49,200 | 21,300 | 1,883 | -3 |
flask | 443,000 | 2,300 | 50,300 | 13,500 | 575 | -25 |
pyramid | -- | 176 | 3,400 | 867 | 266 | -3 |
cherrypy | 5,300 | 66 | 1,200 | 289 | 105 | -12 |
Here is a brief explanation of what these statistics mean:
- Used: The number of repositories using this source code.
- Watch: This represents developers who have decided they want to be informed of any changes to the source code.
- Star: Much like a Like on Facebook.
- Fork: How many times developers have created duplicates of the source code to form a basis for their own projects.
- Contributors: How many developers are involved in the maintenance and development of the framework.
- Last Commit: At...