Mission Briefing
In this project we'll build a Chrome extension that highlights elements on the page that are marked up with Schema.org
microdata. Microdata is a way of specifying descriptive information about a variety of different entities, such as businesses, locations, or people using standard HTML attributes, and is rumored to become an important factor in Google's ranking algorithms.
Whenever we visit a page containing elements described as contact details, we can grab them from the page and store them in our extension, allowing us to slowly build up a directory of contact information for people that are using or making stuff we love.
We can also use templating in this project to make creating a repeated group of elements much more efficient, as well as easier to maintain. We used JsRender in the previous project, so we can use it again, but this time we'll need to use it slightly differently than before. Once completed, our extension will look something like that shown in the following...