Module handling, also known as project Jigsaw, or JPMS, is a feature that was made available only in Java 9. It was a long-planned feature. First, it was planned for Java 7, but it was so complex that it got postponed to Java 8 and then to Java 9. Finally, JPMS was included in the release 9 of Java. The same time Oracle introduced the notion of long-term and also short-term support releases. A short-term release is supported only until the next version of the language is released. The long-term releases, on the other hand, are supported for a longer time, many times even years after the new version or even new long-term supported version is released. Before Java 9, all releases were long-term support releases. Oracle was creating with new minor versions if there was any significant bug that affected the stability or the security of the applications. There were...