The exercises in this section are a bit wider in scope in this chapter in hopes you look through several frameworks on your own:
- Take some time and look at one of the frameworks listed earlier but not reviewed in this chapter.
- Use SimpleRL to solve a grid-world MDP that is different than the one in the example. Be sure to take the time to tune hyperparameters.
- Use Google Dopamine to train an agent to play the LunarLander environment. The best choice is likely RainbowDQN or a variation of that.
- Use Keras-RL to train an agent to play the Lunar Lander environment; make sure to spend time tuning hyperparameters.
- Use RL Lib to train an agent to play the Lunar Lander environment; make sure to spend time tuning hyperparameters.
- Modify the Keras-RL example and modify the network structure. Change the number of neurons and layers.
- Modify the RL Lib example and change some of...