Deploying a set of microservices
In this section, we will be deploying a set of microservices from a demo application called social network. The application is composed of two main microservices: users and friends. The users service stores all the users in its own data store. A user is represented by an ID, and their first and last names. The friends service stores the user's friends. A friend relationship links the user IDs of both friends, and also has its own ID.
The events of adding a user/adding a friend are sent to a message queue. This application uses Kafka as the message queue to store events related to users, friends, and recommendations.
This queue is consumed by a recommendation service. This service is backed by a Neo4j database that can then be used to query relationships between users. Neo4j is a popular graph database platform. A graph database is different from a typical relational database such as MySQL. A graph database is a database that is focused on...