Being able to find the shortest path between two nodes is useful, but not always sufficient. Fortunately, shortest path algorithms can be extended to extract even more information about paths in a graph. The following subsections detail the parts of those algorithms that are implemented in the GDS plugin.
K-shortest path
Dijkstra's algorithm and the A* algorithm only return one possible shortest path between two nodes. If you are interested in the second shortest path, you will have to go for the k-shortest path or Yen's algorithm. Its usage within the GDS plugin is very similar to the previous algorithms we studied, except we have to specify the number of paths to return. In the following example, we specify k=2:
MATCH (A:Node {name: "A"})
MATCH (E:Node {name: "E"})
CALL"graph_weighted", {
startNode: A,
endNode: E,