Step 2 – installing StoreFront (XD2)
The second server that we will install is StoreFront. If you refer back to the network diagram in Chapter 1, Designing a XenDesktop® Site, this is the server labeled as,
or XD2.
Installing the components on XD2
We will need a server certificate signed by the domain certificate authority to install StoreFront.
If you don't have a domain certificate authority, see Appendix A, Creating a Domain Certificate Authority, for tips on creating one for your domain.
Make sure that the Internet Information Services (IIS) role is installed on the StoreFront server XD2.
Creating a server certificate and adding a Site binding
The first step for creating the StoreFront server is to create a server certificate and add a Site. The steps can be summarized as follows:
Log in to the second XenDesktop server, or XD2 in our example, using a domain administrator account.
Navigate to Start | Administrative Tools | Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
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