- active peak detector
- about / Peak detector hardware
- actual measurements
- creating / Making actual measurements
- actual network
- building / Part 3 – building the actual network (software)
- Oracle's JDK, installing on BeagleBone Black / Step 1 – installing Oracle's JDK on BeagleBone Black
- Java serial port extension package, installing / Step 2 – installing the Java serial port extension package
- serial ports, enabling on startup / Step 3 – enabling serial ports on startup
- hardware, testing / Testing the hardware
- alarm
- working / How our alarm works
- testing / Testing the alarm
- alarm system hardware
- about / Part 2B – the alarm system hardware
- zone monitor PCB / The zone monitor PCB
- isolated output PCB / Isolated output PCB
- devices, connecting to board / Connecting devices to the board
- antenna measurements
- URL / Making actual measurements
- antennas
- URL / Making actual measurements