Most of the examples we've looked at so far involving LiveBindings have been zero-code examples. This is not mandatory and there are situations where you may need to perform some actions (execute some code) tied to data binding.
For example, TLinkListControlToField provides some convenient events that you can hook up to apply further customization to your UI. This code will not be executed at design time, only at runtime (this means you are not going to see changes in the Form Designer window). A typical example is assigning an OnFillingListItem event in order to format some values according to a certain rule. The following code can be used to render the HireDateText appearance item with a red font color when the HireDate value is less than 1990:
LTextObject: TListItemText;
LItem: TListViewItem;
LItem := AEditor.CurrentObject as TListViewItem;
LTextObject := LItem.Objects.FindDrawable('HireDateText') as TListItemText;
if Assigned(LTextObject...