Breaking news may mean breaking bad
In the world of news and media, the winner in that space is whoever gets the article out fastest. The speed to market for news and media-related content is now capable of moving at a speed that has never been seen in the past. A news story or article can literally go from a note on a Twitter feed to a full production news item in hours. While speed is a good thing for sharing information in as close to real time as possible, it is problematic in that speed is often the enemy of fact-checking and true analysis of the full veracity of a newsworthy item.
That speed to delivery is often increased by news producers and outlets using automated solutions to help them ingest more news from more sources at the greatest speed possible. The majority of the applications and code bases that work to enable the automated ingestion of news articles and feeds work via RSS polling, or an API-based interaction. RSS is nothing more than a web feed for users and applications...