Editing and merging solids
The next step is modifying your solids to what you want them to portray. We will be exploring the possibilities of both editing the solids as well as setting them up to be exported for an external 3D application, such as 3DS Max.
Getting ready
Before we begin, you must have Sandbox 3 open
Then open
Create a Box Solid with dimensions of
How to do it...
For those who are familiar with DCC tools, such as 3DS Max or Maya, Editing Mode should look very familiar. It allows you to modify the shape of the solid by changing the location of vertices, edges, faces, and polygons. For those who are unfamiliar with it, we will now demonstrate how to turn this Cube into a very simplistic house-like structure:
Start by selecting your object and clicking Editing Mode.
Change the Selection Type to Polygon.
Select the top side of the cube.
Under the Sub Object Edit roll out, select Face [Split].
Change your Selection Type from Polygon to Vertex.
Select the top most...