Access control attacks and countermeasures
There are many attacks that can be attributed to the compromise of access control systems and processes to gain unauthorized access. The following are some of the most prominent ones.
Port scanning and compromise
Backdoors are the unauthorized open ports created by malicious programs that allow an unauthorized entity to gain access into the system. An important countermeasure is to periodically check these open ports in the system and close the ports that are not used by programs. Port scanning tools will help in this process. While port scanning helps security tests to identify open ports, the scanners can also be used by attackers to find the entry points to system.
Denial-of-Service (DoS) is a type of attack wherein the availability of the system is compromised, and the legitimate users of the system are prevented from accessing their desired resources. A Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) is a type of attack where multiple systems attack a single...