- accelerated( AccelEvent event ) method / How to do it...
- addAssetDirectory method / There's more…
- addParticle method / How to do it…
- addSpring method / How to do it…
- anchor property / How to do it…
- animation sequences
- creating, with timeline / Creating animation sequences with the timeline, How to do it…, How it works…
- Apple Developer Center / Apple Developer Center
- application basic structure
- about / Understanding the basic structure of an application, How to do it…
- implementing / How to do it…
- working / How it works...
- application window
- dropped files, accessing / Accessing files dropped onto the application window, How it works…
- arbitrary shapes
- drawing, with mouse / Drawing arbitrary shapes with the mouse, How to do it…, How it works…, There's more…
- assets
- using / Getting ready, There's more…
- about / Getting ready
- working / How it works…
- attraction forces
- applying / Applying repulsion and attraction forces, How it works…
- audioCallback method / How it works…, How to do it…
- augmented reality
- building, Kinect used / Building an augmented reality with Kinect, How to do it…, How it works…
- B-spline / See also
- basic application project
- creating / Creating a project for a basic application, How to do it…, How it works...
- blur effect
- adding / Adding a blur effect, How to do it…
- working / How it works…
- bool type / How to do it…
- brightness
- transforming / Transforming image contrast and brightness, How it works...
- Brownian motion
- applying, particle system / Simulating particles flying in the wind, How to do it…, How it works…
- buttons / Buttons
- Cairo / See also
- calcIntersectionWithMeshTriangles method / How to do it…
- camera
- frames, capturing / Capturing from the camera, How to do it…, How it works…
- frames, displaying / Capturing from the camera, How to do it…, How it works…
- camera motion
- aligning, to path / Aligning camera motion to a path, How to do it…, How it works…, See also
- ci**app**FileDropEvent object / Accessing files dropped onto the application window, How it works…
- ci**app**KeyEvent class / How to do it…
- ci**app**MouseEvent class / How to do it…
- ci**app**ResizeEvent object / How it works…
- ci**app**ResizeEvent parameter / How to do it…
- ci**app**TouchEvent class / How to do it…
- ci**ColorA type / How to do it…
- ci**Color type / How to do it…
- ci**fs**path object / There's more…
- ci**gl**color method / How it works…
- ci**gl**Light**DIRECTION light / How it works…
- ci**gl**Light**POINT light / How it works…
- ci**gl**Light**SPOTLIGHT / How it works…
- ci**Quatf type / How to do it…
- ci**Shape2d**moveTo method / How it works…
- ci**Timeline**apply method / There's more…
- ci**Vec3f type type / How to do it…
- Cinder
- about / Introduction
- Cinder-Config / Cinder-Config
- CINDER_PATH / Getting ready
- cloth simulation
- creating / Creating a cloth simulation, How to do it…
- working / How it works…
- texturing / Texturing a cloth simulation, How to do it…, How it works…, How to do it...
- collision sounds
- generating / Generating sound upon the collision of objects, How to do it…, How it works…
- color based object, tracking
- frames, displaying / Tracking an object based on color, How to do it…, How it works…
- command key / How to do it…
- configuration
- saving / Saving and loading configurations, How to do it..., How it works...
- loading / Saving and loading configurations, How to do it..., How it works...
- Cinder-Config / Cinder-Config
- current parameter state
- snapshot, making / Making a snapshot of the current parameter state, How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- 2D
- particle system, creating / Creating a particle system in 2D, Getting ready, How to do it…, How it works..., See also
- 2D geometric primitives
- drawing / Drawing 2D geometric primitives, How to do it…
- working / How it works…
- 2D graphics
- geometric primitives, drawing / Drawing 2D geometric primitives
- arbitrary shapes, drawing / Drawing arbitrary shapes with the mouse
- scribbler algorithm, implementing / Implementing a scribbler algorithm
- 2D metaballs, implementing / Implementing 2D metaballs
- text around curves, animating / Animating text around curves
- blur effect, adding / Adding a blur effect
- force-directed graph, implementing / Implementing a force-directed graph
- 2D metaballs
- about / Implementing 2D metaballs
- implementing / How to do it…
- working / How it works…
- wikipedia / See also
- 3D
- image gallery, creating / Creating an image gallery in 3D, How to do it…, How it works…
- 3D drawing
- mouse, using / Drawing in 3D with the mouse, How to do it…, How it works…
- 3D geometric primitives
- about / Drawing 3D geometric primitives
- drawing / Getting ready, How to do it…
- working / How it works…
- 3D graphics
- geometric primitives, drawing / Drawing 3D geometric primitives
- translating / Rotating, scaling, and translating
- rotataing / Rotating, scaling, and translating
- scaling / Rotating, scaling, and translating
- transforming, OpenGL transformations used / Rotating, scaling, and translating, How to do it…, How it works…
- offscreen canvas, drawing / Drawing to an offscreen canvas
- drawing, with mouse / Drawing in 3D with the mouse
- lights, adding / Adding lights
- mouse intersection / Picking in 3D
- height map, creating from image / Creating a height map from an image
- terrain creating, Perlin noise used / Creating a terrain with Perlin noise
- mesh data, saving / Saving mesh data
- 3D space guides
- about / Using 3D space guides
- using / How to do it..., How it works...
- delay effect
- about / Adding a delay effect
- adding / How to do it…, How it works...
- destroySpring methods / How to do it…
- detectMultiScale function / How it works…
- DFT / How it works…
- dots
- connecting / Getting started, How it works…
- draw3DScene method / How to do it…
- drawing method / How to do it…
- draw method / Understanding the basic structure of an application, How to do it…, Listener, How to do it…, There's more..., How to do it…
- drawObject method / How to do it…
- edgeDetectSobel function / How it works…
- edges
- detecting / Detecting edges, How to do it…
- working / How it works…, There's more…
- example communication
- about / Communicating with other software, Getting ready
- sender / Sender
- lsiener / Listener
- working / How it works..., There's more...
- broadcast / Broadcast
- OSC in Flash / OSC in Flash
- OSC in Processing / OSC in Processing
- OSC in openFrameworks / OSC in openFrameworks
- OpenSoundControl Protocol / OpenSoundControl Protocol
- faces
- detecting / Detecting faces, How it works…, There's more…
- FFT / Making our particles sound reactive
- visualizing / Visualizing FFT, How to do it…, How it works…
- about / Visualizing FFT
- fileDrop / Accessing files dropped onto the application window
- fileDrop method / Getting ready
- FLANN / How it works…
- FlannBasedMatcher class / How it works…
- flocking / See also
- flocking behavior
- simulating / Simulating flocking behavior, Getting ready, How to do it…, How it works…
- separation rule / Simulating flocking behavior
- alignment rule / Simulating flocking behavior
- cohesion rule / Simulating flocking behavior
- flow field
- creating, with Perlin noise / Creating a flow field with Perlin noise, How to do it…
- force-directed graph
- about / Implementing a force-directed graph
- implementing / How to do it…
- working / How it works…, See also
- frame buffer object (FBO) / How it works…
- Frame Buffer Object (FBO) / Drawing to an offscreen canvas
- fromOcv functions / How it works…
- getActiveTouches() method / How to do it...
- getAspectRatio method / How to do it…
- getAssetPath method / There's more…
- getFile method / How to do it…
- getId method / How to do it…
- getNativeKeyCode method / There's more...
- getNativeModifiers method / There's more...
- getPosition method / How it works…
- getPos method / How to do it…
- getSize method / How to do it…
- getWheelIncrement method / How to do it…
- getY methods / How to do it…
- GitHub repository / Integrating with OpenCV
- GUI / Setting up a GUI for tweaking parameters
- height map
- creating, from image / Creating a height map from an image, How to do it…, How it works…
- high resolution images
- saving, with tile renderer / How to do it...
- working / How it works…
- HSV / How it works…
- image
- height map, creating from / Creating a height map from an image, How to do it…, How it works…
- image contrast
- transforming / Transforming image contrast and brightness, How it works...
- image gallery
- creating, in 3D / Creating an image gallery in 3D, How to do it…, How it works…
- image processing techniques
- about / Introduction
- images
- features, detecting / Detecting features in an image, How it works…
- matching case / If images match
- possibilities / Other possibilities
- converting, to vector graphics / Converting images to vector graphics, How to do it…, How it works…
- interactive object
- mouse events, adding / Adding mouse events to our interactive object, How to do it…, There's more…
- InteractiveObject class, for graphical object creation
- creating / Creating an interactive object that responds to the mouse, How to do it…
- InterfaceGl**draw() method / How to do it…
- iOS
- resources, using in / Using resources on iOS and OS X, How it works...
- iOS application
- preparing / Preparing your application for iOS, How to do it...
- Apple Developer Center / Apple Developer Center
- iOS touch application project
- creating / Creating a project for an iOS touch application, How to do it…
- isShiftDown method / How to do it…
- key / How to do it…
- keyDecr / How to do it…
- keyDown method / Responding to key input, How to do it…
- keyIncr / How to do it…
- key input
- responding to / Responding to key input
- responding to, steps / How to do it…
- keyPressed method / How to do it…
- keyUp method / Responding to key input
- Kinect
- used, for UI navigation building / Building UI navigation and gesture recognition with Kinect, Getting ready, How to do it…, How it works…
- used, for gesture recognition / Building UI navigation and gesture recognition with Kinect, Getting ready, How to do it…, How it works…
- used, for augmented reality building / Building an augmented reality with Kinect, How to do it…, How it works…
- LFO / How it works…
- libopencv_core.a module / How it works…
- libopencv_imgproc.a module / How it works…
- libopencv_objdetect.a module / How it works…
- lights
- adding / Adding lights, Getting ready, How to do it…, How it works…
- ambient property / How it works…
- diffuse property / How it works…
- specular property / How it works…
- emission property / How it works…
- shininess property / How it works…
- types / How it works…, There's more…
- listener / Listener
- loadResource method / There's more...
- makeSnapshotClick method / How to do it...
- matchImages method / How to do it…
- max / How to do it…
- MayaCamUI
- about / Using MayaCamUI, Getting ready
- using / How to do it...
- setup method, working / How it works...
- mesh data
- saving / Getting ready, How it works…
- mesh surface
- particles, aligning to / Aligning particles to the mesh surface, How to do it…, How it works…
- min / How to do it…
- motion tracking
- optical flow, using / Tracking motion using optical flow, How to do it…, How it works…
- mouse
- used, for arbitrary shape creating / Drawing arbitrary shapes with the mouse, How to do it…, How it works…, There's more…
- used, for 3D drawing / Drawing in 3D with the mouse, How to do it…, How it works…
- mouse cursor interaction
- calculating / Picking in 3D, How to do it…, How it works…
- mouseDown event / How to do it…
- mouseDown implementation / How to do it…
- mouseDown method / Responding to mouse input, How to do it…, How to do it…
- mouseDrag method / Responding to mouse input, Sender, How to do it…
- MouseEvent object / How to do it…
- mouse events
- adding, to interactive object / Adding mouse events to our interactive object, How to do it…, There's more…
- mouse input
- responding to / Responding to mouse input, How to do it…
- working / How it works, There's more...
- mouseMove method / Responding to mouse input, How to do it…
- mouseUp event / How to do it…
- mouseUp method / Responding to mouse input
- mouseWheel method / Responding to mouse input
- multi-touch
- used, for object rotation / Dragging, scaling, and rotating objects using multi-touch, How to do it…, There is more…
- used, for object scaling / Dragging, scaling, and rotating objects using multi-touch, Getting ready, How to do it…, How it works…, There is more…
- used, for object dragging / Dragging, scaling, and rotating objects using multi-touch, Getting ready, How to do it…, How it works…, There is more…
- Numerical* int, float, double type / How to do it…
- object tracking
- about / Object tracking
- steps / How to do it…, How it works…
- offscreen canvas
- drawing / Drawing to an offscreen canvas, How to do it…, How it works…
- O key / How it works…
- OpenCV
- interacting with / Integrating with OpenCV, How to do it…, How it works…
- OpenSoundControl Protocol / OpenSoundControl Protocol
- optical flow
- used, for motion tracking / Tracking motion using optical flow, How to do it…, How it works…
- about / Communicating with other software
- OSC protocol / OSC in Processing
- OS X
- resources, using in / Using resources on iOS and OS X, How it works...
- panel position / Panel position
- parameters tweaking
- GUI, setting up / Setting up a GUI for tweaking parameters, Getting ready, How to do it…, How it works...
- buttons / Buttons
- panel position / Panel position, See also
- SimpleGUI / SimpleGUI
- ciUI / ciUI
- AntTweakBar / AntTweakBar
- particles
- FFT analysis, adding / Making our particles sound reactive, How to do it…, How it works…
- aligning, to processed image / Aligning particles to a processed image, How to do it…, How it works…, See also
- aligning, to mesh surface / Aligning particles to the mesh surface, How to do it…, How it works…
- texturing / Texturing particles, How to do it…, How it works…
- tail, adding to / Adding a tail to our particles, How it works…
- connecting, with spline / Connecting particles with spline, How to do it…, How it works…, See also
- particle system
- about / Introduction
- creating, in 2D / Creating a particle system in 2D, Getting ready, How to do it…, How it works..., There's more...
- Brownian motion, applying / Simulating particles flying in the wind, How to do it…, How it works…
- texturing, shaders used / Texturing a particle system using point sprites and shaders, How to do it..., How it works…, There's more…
- texturing, point sprites used / Texturing a particle system using point sprites and shaders, How to do it..., How it works…, There's more…
- ParticleSystem**draw method / How to do it…
- path
- animating along / Animating along a path, How to do it…, See also
- camera motion, aligning / Aligning camera motion to a path, How to do it…, How it works…, See also
- about / Generating a sine oscillator
- Perlin noise
- used, for terrain creating / Creating a terrain with Perlin noise, How to do it…, How it works…, There's more…
- about / Creating a terrain with Perlin noise
- used, for flow field creation / Creating a flow field with Perlin noise, How to do it…, How it works…
- used, for spherical flow field creating / Creating a spherical flow field with Perlin noise, How to do it…, How it works..., See also
- Perlin noise original source / See also
- precision / How to do it…
- prepareSettings method / Understanding the basic structure of an application, How to do it…, How it works...
- project
- for basic application, creating / Getting ready, How to do it…
- for screensaver application, creating / Creating a project for a screensaver application, How to do it…
- for iOS touch application, creating / Creating a project for an iOS touch application, How it works...
- QR code
- reading / Reading QR code, How to do it…, How it works…
- readonly / How to do it…
- receivedEvent method / How to do it…
- renderDrawing method / How it works…
- repulsion forces
- applying / Applying repulsion and attraction forces, How to do it…, How it works…
- repulsionRadius value / How it works…
- resize method / How it works…, How to do it…
- resources
- using, on Windows / Using resources on Windows, Getting ready, How to do it…
- using, on iOS / Using resources on iOS and OS X, How it works...
- using, on OS X / Using resources on iOS and OS X, There's more...
- responsive text box
- about / Creating a responsive text box
- creating / Getting ready, How to do it…
- working / How it works…
- saveParameters method / How it works...
- scene
- adjusting, after window resize / Adjusting a scene after resizing the window, How to do it…, How it works…
- screensaver application project
- creating / Creating a project for a screensaver application, How to do it…
- scribbler algorithm
- about / Implementing a scribbler algorithm
- implementing / How to do it…, How it works…
- sender / Sender
- setAmbient( const Color& color ) method / There's more…
- setDiffuse( const Color& color ) method / There's more…
- setPos method / How to do it…
- setSpecular( const Color& color ) method / There's more…
- setup method / Understanding the basic structure of an application, How it works..., How to do it…, How to do it…, How to do it…, How it works…, There's more…, There is more…
- Shift key / How to do it…
- shutdown method / Understanding the basic structure of an application, How to do it…, How it works..., How to do it…
- simple video controller
- about / Creating a simple video controller
- creating / Getting ready, How to do it…, How it works…
- sine oscillator
- about / Generating a sine oscillator
- generating / How to do it…
- working / How it works…
- sine wave oscillator
- modulating, with low frequency / Generating sound with frequency modulation, How to do it…, How it works…
- S key / How it works…, How it works…
- slider
- about / Creating a slider
- creating / How to do it…, How it works…
- sound-reactive particles
- about / Making sound-reactive particles
- creating / Getting ready, How to do it…
- working / How it works…
- GUI, adding for parameter tweaking / Adding GUI to tweak parameters
- spherical flow field
- creating, with Perlin noise / Creating a spherical flow field with Perlin noise, How to do it…, How it works..., See also
- spline
- used, for particles connecting / Connecting particles with spline, How to do it…, See also
- springs
- about / Creating springs
- creating / Getting ready, How to do it…
- working / How it works…, There's more…
- st**string type / How to do it…
- step / How to do it…
- SURF / How it works…
- SurfaceEps method / How it works…
- SurfacePdf method / How it works…
- SurfacePs method / How it works…
- SurfaceSvg method / How it works…
- tail
- adding, to particle animation / Adding a tail to our particles, How it works…
- adding, from several lines / Tail as a line
- drawing history / Drawing history
- drawing, with lines / Tail as a line
- terrain
- creating, with Perlin noise / Creating a terrain with Perlin noise, How to do it…, How it works…, There's more…
- text
- animating around a user-defined curve / Animating text around curves, How to do it…
- using, as mask for movie / Animating text – text as a mask for a movie, How to do it…, How it works…
- text scrolling line by line
- creating / Animating text – scrolling text lines, How to do it…, How it works…
- tile renderer
- using, for high resolution images / Saving high resolution images with the tile renderer
- timeline
- animating / Animating with the timeline, How to do it…, How it works…
- animation sequences, creating / Creating animation sequences with the timeline, How to do it…, How it works…
- TinderBox
- about / Introduction
- touchesBegan( TouchEvent event ) method / How to do it...
- touchesBegan event / How it works…
- touchesBegan method / Responding to touch input, How to do it…
- touchesEnded( TouchEvent event ) method / How to do it...
- touchesEnded method / Responding to touch input, How to do it…
- touchesMoved( TouchEvent event ) method / How to do it...
- touchesMoved method / Responding to touch input, How to do it…
- touch input
- responding to / Responding to touch input
- responding to, steps / How to do it…, How it works…, There's more...
- TouchInteractiveObject class / How it works…
- update method / Understanding the basic structure of an application, How to do it…, How to do it…, How to do it…
- video
- about / Loading and displaying video
- displaying / Loading and displaying video, How to do it…, How it works…, There's more
- loading / Getting ready, How to do it…, How it works…, There's more
- window animation
- saving, as video / Saving window animations as video, How to do it…, How it works…, There's more...
- saving, as vector graphics image / Saving window content as a vector graphics image, How to do it…, How it works…, There's more...
- window content
- saving, as image / Saving window content as an image, There's more...
- saving, as image sequences / Saving window animation as image sequences
- sound visualization, recording / Recording sound visualization
- Windows
- resources, using / Using resources on Windows, Getting ready, How to do it…