Let's code the robot without wheels
Open Scratch 3.0 and connect your BOOST Hub to your laptop as per the instructions given in Chapter 2, Building Your First BOOST Robot – Tabletop Fan. While performing some activities today, we shall understand the difference between seconds-based and rotation-based programming.
Before we move on to the task, let's learn about two new programming blocks:
- set light color to: This block changes the light color of your BOOST Hub:
Figure 3.20 – New block to learn
- wait: This block waits for the number of seconds that the user inputs and lets the previous block execute for that time. We will learn how to use it while writing some code in the tasks. This block is found in the Control pallet:
Figure 3.21 – Wait block in the Control pallet
Set light color:
Figure 3.22 - Changing the hub light colors
This is how the light color...