Chapter 1: Microsoft Identity Platform Overview
This chapter introduces the first objective in this book, the Microsoft identity platform. In this chapter, we will start by introducing the Microsoft identity platform and giving a high-level overview of the features and capabilities it has to offer. As well as the overview, we are also going to cover the evolution of this platform. Then, we are going to dive a bit into the more technical aspects by covering how users are authenticated using the Microsoft identity platform and what the permissions and consent framework is about.
At the end of this chapter, you will have a high-level understanding of the different components that are part of the platform.
The following topics will be covered in this chapter:
- Learning about the Microsoft identity platform
- Understanding the evolution of the Microsoft identity platform
- Introducing Azure Active Directory
- Introducing Azure AD B2B
- Introducing Azure AD B2C
- Setting up an Azure AD tenant
- Adding a user to Azure AD
- Cleaning up the resources