Darknet is an open source neural network framework, which has been written in C and CUDA. It is very fast, as it allows GPU as well as CPU computation. It was developed by Joseph Redmon, a computer scientist focused on artificial vision.
Although we are not going to study all of the functionalities in this chapter, Darknet includes a lot of interesting applications. As we mentioned earlier, we are going to use YOLO, but the following is a list of other Darknet functionalities:
ImageNet Classification: This is an image classifier, which uses known models such as AlexNet, ResNet, and ResNeXt. After classifying some ImageNet images with all these models, a comparison between them is performed. They are based on time, accuracy, weights etc..
RNN's: Recurrent neural networks are used for generating and managing natural language. They use an architecture called a vanilla RNN with three recurrent modules, which achieves good results in tasks such as speech recognition and natural language...