Initial setup – Thing, network credentials, cloud variables, and code
After setting up the hardware, it’s time to set up Thing in the Arduino IoT Cloud. For this project, we need one cloud variable to control the LED brightness and color, and turn on/off the WS2812 ring, but I am using three different cloud variables so you will get an idea of when and why we need to use these cloud variables, and every variable connects with a specific widget. The network settings will be different from Arduino development boards due to using ESP series board.

Figure 10.8 – Air quality monitoring system Thing setup
Set up a new Thing with the name Voice Controlled Smart Lamp
and follow these steps to create variables, associate a device and network configuration, and finally, write the code:
- Firstly, we need to set up three cloud variables for the WS2812. Complete details regarding cloud variables are available in the following section. ...