The Arduino-SNAP circuit AM radio block diagram
The Arduino-SNAP circuit AM radio is basically an IR (wireless) controlled receiver. An ordinary IR handheld remote will turn the SNAP circuit AM radio ON or OFF. The littleBits remote trigger and latch electronic modules detect and send a logic control signal to the Arduino Uno. The Arduino Uno turns the SNAP circuit AM radio ON or OFF using a small transistor relay driver. In addition to operating the radio, an LCD provides the status of the receiver by displaying Radio OFF or Radio ON messages. A concept drawing of an IR remote-operated AM radio is shown as follows:

The Arduino-SNAP circuit AM radio block diagram is an engineering development tool used to convey complete product designs using graphics. The block diagram also helps when planning the breadboard for prototyping and testing of the Arduino-SNAP circuit AM radio touch in a maker's workshop or laboratory bench. The final observation of the Arduino-SNAP circuit block diagram is the...