Practicing and exploring
Test your knowledge and understanding by answering some questions, getting some hands-on practice, and doing deeper research into the topics in this chapter.
Exercise 5.1 – Test your knowledge
Use the web to answer the following questions:
- What is the most downloaded third-party NuGet package of all time?
- What method do you call on the ImageSharp
class to make a change like resizing the image or replacing colors with grayscale? - What is a key benefit of using Serilog for logging?
- What is a Serilog sink?
- Should you always use a package like AutoMapper to map between objects?
- Which FluentAssertions method should you call to start a fluent assertion on a value?
- Which FluentAssertions method should you call to assert that all items in a sequence conform to a condition, like a
item must have less than six characters? - Which FluentValidation class should you inherit from to define a custom...