As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
absorption, distribution, metabolism, and extraction (ADME) 114
academic medical centers (AMCs) 123
active learning pipelines 181
adverse drug reaction (ADR) 128
adverse event clustering model pipeline
building, on SageMaker 135, 136
deploying 140, 141
inference, running 140, 141
Jupyter notebooks, running 136
reviewing 136-140
adverse events 125
AI for healthcare and life sciences, industry trends 183
clinical conditions, treating 184
digital twins, using 185
Internet of Things (IoT), using 185
robotics, using 185
telehealth and remote care 184
AI in healthcare and life sciences, future 186
blockchain 188
federated learning 187
quantum computing 188, 189
reinforcement learning 186
virtual reality (VR) 187
AI in healthcare...