Building BizServices-CustomerCreditMgmt module
Customer credit Business Service allows JungleSea to manage the risk and would want to check an incoming order against a customer's credit limit. Currently, an application named "Equal" provides information about customers' credit score and exposes the capability on a Java Messaging Service (JMS) interface. The response to the credit risk evaluation will have to be approved by the manager, which we implemented in the order handling business process. By all means, we can move that functionality to this component. But adhering to one of the fundamental tenets of SOA, keeping services stateless, we will leave it as it is.
The steps to implement a Business Service were discussed in the previous sections. We will not repeat those steps, assuming that you will follow them. As explained earlier, we strongly recommend that you import the PI into your WID workspace and use it as a reference. Also, some of the intricacies that could not be explained...