Curator components
Curator is a high-level library for ZooKeeper; it makes dealing with ZooKeeper much easier and it extends the functionality of core ZooKeeper. At a high level, Curator is composed of the following components:
- Client: The Curator client is a wrapper around ZooKeeper's Java client. It's a low-level API in the curator stack and abstracts functionalities out of the ZooKeeper client.
- Framework: The Curator framework is a high-level API with advanced features such as automatic connection management, retrying of operations, and so on. It simplifies the usage of ZooKeeper to a great extent.
- Recipes: The Curator recipes provide implementations of ZooKeeper recipes; these implementations can be directly used in distributed applications to solve coordination problems.
- Extensions: The Curator recipes package implements the common recipes. To avoid bloating this package, a separate extension package is used.
In addition to the preceding components, Curator also ships with a...