Cursors – an overview
Writing SQL in PL/SQL is one of the critical parts of database programming. All SQL statements embedded within a PL/SQL block are executed as a cursor. A cursor is a private memory area, temporarily allocated in the session's User Global Area (UGA), that is used for processing SQL statements. The private memory stores the result set retrieved from the SQL execution and cursor attributes. Cursors can be classified as implicit and explicit cursors.
Oracle creates an implicit cursor for all the SQL statements included in the executable section of a PL/SQL block. In this case, the cursor lifecycle is maintained by the Oracle Database.
For explicit cursors, the execution cycle can be controlled by the user. Database developers can explicitly declare an implicit cursor under the DECLARE
section along with a SELECT
The cursor execution cycle
A cursor moves through the following stages during execution. Note that, in the case of an implicit cursor, all the steps are carried out by the Oracle Database. Let's take a quick look at the execution stages OPEN
, and CLOSE

- The
stage allocates the context area in the session's User Global Area for performing SQL processing. The SQL processing starts with parsing and binding, followed by statement execution. In the case of theSELECT
query, the record pointer points to the first record in the result set. - The
stage pulls the data from the query result set. If the result set is a multi-record set, the record pointer moves incrementally with every fetch. The fetch stage is alive until the last record is reached in the result set. - The
stage closes the cursor, flushes the context area, and releases the memory back to the UGA.
Cursor attributes
Cursor attributes hold the information about the cursor processing at each stage of its execution:
: Number of rows fetched until the last fetch or impacted by the last DML operation. Applicable forSELECT
as well as DML statements.%ISOPEN
: BooleanTRUE
if the cursor is still open, if notFALSE
. For an implicit cursor, this attribute is alwaysFALSE
: BooleanTRUE
, if the fetch operation switches and points to a record; if not,FALSE
: BooleanFALSE
when the cursor pointer switches but does not point to a record in the result set.
is the only cursor attribute that is accessible outside the cursor execution cycle.
The following program uses the cursor attributes %ISOPEN
to fetch the data from the EMP
table and display it:
/*Enable the SERVEROUTPUT to display block messages*/ SET SERVEROUTPUT ON /*Start the PL/SQL Block*/ DECLARE /*Declare a cursor to select employees data*/ CURSOR C_EMP IS SELECT EMPNO,ENAME FROM EMP; L_EMPNO EMP.EMPNO%TYPE; L_ENAME EMP.ENAME%TYPE; BEGIN /*Check if the cursor is already open*/ IF NOT C_EMP%ISOPEN THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('***Displaying Employee Info***'); END IF; /*Open the cursor and iterate in a loop*/ OPEN C_EMP; LOOP /*Fetch the cursor data into local variables*/ FETCH C_EMP INTO L_EMPNO, L_ENAME; EXIT WHEN C_EMP%NOTFOUND; /*Display the employee information*/ DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(chr(10)||'Display Information for employee:'||C_EMP%ROWCOUNT); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Employee Id:'||L_EMPNO); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Employee Name:'||L_ENAME); END LOOP; END; / ***Displaying Employee Info*** Display Information for employee:1 Employee Id:7369 Employee Name:SMITH Display Information for employee:2 Employee Id:7499 Employee Name:ALLEN Display Information for employee:3 Employee Id:7521 Employee Name:WARD Display Information for employee:4 Employee Id:7566 Employee Name:JONES …. PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Cursor FOR loop
Looping through all the records of a cursor object can be facilitated with the use of the FOR
loop. A FOR
loop opening a cursor directly is known as a CURSOR
loop. The usage of the CURSOR
loop reduces the overhead of manually specifying the OPEN
, and CLOSE
stages of a cursor.
loop will best compact the code when working with multi-row explicit cursors. The following PL/SQL block demonstrates the purpose:
/*Enable the SERVEROUTPUT parameter to print the results in the environment*/ SET SERVEROUTPUT ON /*Start the PL/SQL block*/ DECLARE /*Declare an explicit cursor to select employee information*/ CURSOR CUR_EMP IS SELECT ename, sal FROM emp; BEGIN /*FOR Loop uses the cursor CUR_EMP directly*/ FOR EMP IN CUR_EMP LOOP /*Display message*/ DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(EMP.ename||' earns '||EMP.sal||' per month'); END LOOP; END; / SMITH earns 800 per month ALLEN earns 1600 per month WARD earns 1250 per month JONES earns 2975 per month MARTIN earns 1250 per month BLAKE earns 2850 per month CLARK earns 2450 per month SCOTT earns 3000 per month KING earns 5000 per month TURNER earns 1500 per month ADAMS earns 1100 per month JAMES earns 950 per month FORD earns 3000 per month MILLER earns 1300 per month PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Note that, with the CURSOR
loop, you do not need to declare the block variables to capture the cursor columns. The CURSOR
loop index implicitly acts as a record of the cursor type. Also, you do not need to explicitly open or close the cursor in the PL/SQL program.